As a trained microsurgeon and fertility specialist, Phill can provide knowledgeable advice on all options and help select the option that is best for you. If you are considering a vasectomy reversal or tubal ligation reversal because you want to have a baby, Phill can evaluate all the factors influencing your chances of success.
As a Fertility Specialist at Fertility Associates, Phill is extremely qualified to make recommendations on whether IVF or another method of increasing the chance of conception is a better option than vasectomy reversal or tubal sterilisation reversal.
Phill performs vasectomy reversals using the most effective technique available; with a general anaesthetic and an operating microscope (microsurgical).
The biggest study to date* showed these pregnancy success rates after vasectomy reversals:Time since vasectomy
Less than 3 years
3-8 years
9-14 years
More than 14 years
Pregnancy achieved
75% of couples
50% of couples
40% of couples
30% of couples
*Belker AM, Thomas AJ, Jr, Fuchs EF, Konnak JW, Sharlip ID. Results of 1,469 microsurgical vasectomy reversals by the Vasovasostomy study group. J Urol. 1991;145:505–11.
Reversing a tubal sterilisation can be performed either laparoscopically or with open surgery, which involves less cost.
Pregnancy success rates are much higher if the initial tubal ligation was performed with clips placed on the tubes, rather than having a piece of fallopian tube excised. When the procedure is performed at the time of a caesarean section, the second method is more commonly used. Again, depending on various factors, it can be better to proceed directly to IVF rather than performing sterilisation reversal.